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Since its inception in the fall of 2006, Hershey Surveying, Inc. has become a trusted company in the surveying industry of Lancaster County. Hershey Surveying, Inc. provides boundary surveys, ag surveys, residential and construction layout services, subdivision and land development services, and assistance with zoning related issues.

Without failing to recognize the uniqueness of each project, Hershey Surveying treats each client as if his or her job is the most important. Time is taken to educate clients about the options for their project. Over the last several years, as it relates to land development and sub-division, the process for development has become much more complicated. Owner Ron Hershey, PLS and Rodney Horst, PLS will assist you through the process in a timely and professional manner. Ron gets the most satisfaction from helping clients resolve property issues and finalizing plans to the client’s satisfaction.

Ron brings 21 years of experience to his business. He has worked at both large and small firms. Ron came to appreciate the personal relationships that could be established with customers. With a desire to provide surveying with a personal touch, Ron decided to start his own business.

Both Ron and Rodney are members of PSLS, the Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyors. Ron and Rodney are active with their families, church and community. Ron lives in Bowmansville with his wife, Beth, and two sons. Rodney and Faith are the parents of three young daughters.